… and why I’ve decided I like emotos best!
Electric-powered vehicles are gaining traction in the world, and it’s no surprise that they’re finally catching up with the motorcycle community. But as a self-confirmed ‘rev head’, it’s also no surprise to me that they still face scepticism from several of those loyal to their traditional petrol-powered predecessors.
The resistance is natural. People often question new technology and its potential to replace what they’ve always known and have become accustomed to. Especially, it seems, when it comes to EVs!
But what if we flipped the narrative on its head?
Imagine a world where electric bikes had always been the standard and petrol bikes were newcomers trying to break into the market. How might the questions - and the scepticism - sound in reverse?
Here at Savic Motorcycles, we’ve tried to imagine how that conversation might unfold.The C-Series in a parallel universe
Fuelling Up
I want to know more about how fuelling these new ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) bikes works. Currently, I can charge my electric bike overnight while I sleep at home, ready to ride in the morning. Is it true that ICE bikes can only be fuelled at petrol stations - and how many of these will be available? Charging my electric bike costs me less than a cheeseburger - but I’ve heard that fuelling an ICE bike will cost more than 10 Big Macs!I’ve also heard that this newfangled fuel called petrol carries certain safety risks - and can even catch fire! Does this mean I’ll no longer be able to fuel up at home? Could this actually be a reality in the future?
Oh, and I’ve also heard about thieves taking fuel from tanks using a syphon! Is there really a greater risk of theft with this fancy new fuel?
Maintenance Concerns
How much maintenance will ICE bikes require and how much will this cost? I’ve come to really rely on the low (in fact, almost zero) maintenance requirements of my electric bike. But I’ve heard these novel petrol bikes need regular servicing for many of their components, such as engine oil, drive belts, clutch and transmission. What will happen if I don’t get these parts replaced? And how much will it all cost?
Throttle Response
I gave one of these petrol-powered bikes a go recently, and while it was exciting and unique, I couldn't help noticing a slight delay between the time that I twisted the throttle and the bike responding and taking off.
Is this normal for these ICE bikes and, if so, what is the reason for this throttle lag? I’ve always really loved the responsiveness and instant torque of my e-motorcycle, and I'm keen to know if there’s a way to modify or overcome this acceleration challenge in an ICE bike.Noise Pollution
I want to keep the peace with my neighbours who I’ve always had a great relationship with. How can I do this if ICE bikes make such a loud noise and wake up the neighbourhood every time I leave the house? If everyone had these bikes, how excessive would the noise pollution get in residential areas - not to mention commercial and office zones? Is there any way to reduce the noise so ICE bikes aren’t so loud?
Toxic Emissions
How can we eliminate the smelly and harmful emissions caused by these petrol motorcycles’ exhausts? Apparently these toxic emissions contain nitrogen oxide - which even my young children know is bad for your health - as well as carbon dioxide, which is the main contributor to climate change. Is this really what we want to have floating around in our urban air? What if EV chargers were the default, and petrol pumps became the curiosity?
Through the Looking Glass
Flipping the perspective reveals intriguing contrasts between electric bikes and petrol-powered ones, while also highlighting the universal questions that can arise when people start to explore new options.
In a world where electric motorcycles dominate, introducing ICE bikes would undoubtedly spark considerable curiosity and debate - much as EVs are doing today.
Whether your preference leans towards petrol or electric, it’s fascinating to consider how innovation continues to shape the performance, practicality, and sustainability of our transport landscape. There’s clearly room on the road for both tradition and new technology - but we should never lose sight of what’s best for our community and our planet.