
Collection of Why EVs are here to stay in a gallery layout
Why EVs are here to stay

Like any tall poppy or commercial success story, electric vehicles have their fair share of detractors. Some point to the...

Collection of Introducing the Formidable SM1 Powertrain in a gallery layout
Introducing the Formidable SM1 Powertrain

After years of development, the SM1, Savic's first electric powertrain platform, is fast approaching a manufacturing and customer-ready design. It...

Collection of This Optimised Battery Pack Design will give C-Series more Power in a gallery layout
This Optimised Battery Pack Design will give C-Series more Power

  At Savic Motorcycles we’ve always been focused on optimising our design, both for aesthetics and performance – and when...

Collection of Nerds' Corner: Topology Optimisation in a gallery layout
Nerds' Corner: Topology Optimisation

Topology optimisation refers to a form of generative design that uses tried-and-tested mathematical formulas to work out the most efficient...

Collection of Pride of Place in Brisbane in a gallery layout
Pride of Place in Brisbane

The fine lines and phenomenal power of our C-Series Alpha will be on show at a ‘world exclusive’ exhibition at...

Collection of Building our Bike - All over Melbourne! in a gallery layout
Building our Bike - All over Melbourne!

If you had a regular bunch of automotive engineers building a motorbike from the ground up, you’d have a hard...

Collection of Dash to the Finish-Line in a gallery layout
Dash to the Finish-Line

At Savic we aim to design bikes that you’ll be proud to own and ride – and that pride will...

Collection of Our new home in a gallery layout
Our new home

In keeping with one of the most eagerly anticipated electric vehicles in Australian history, we’re designing an eye-catching showroom and...