After six years in the making, it's finally here - the seriously swift, first of its kind Savic C-Series. The Herald Sun was invited to take a test drive, and it packed a punch from the get-go.
lan Royall tests the first Melbourne-made Savic electric motorcycle.
Picture: Mark Stewart
The $27k Savic, six years in the making, is an eye-catching machine that can reach 100km/h in just 3.5 seconds. The West Melbourne company has more than 230 orders and hopes the first deliveries will roll out in the next two weeks. Another 20 machines will be made by February with the aim of a 20-bike monthly production cycle, for the first full year at least.
Company founder Dennis Savic, a former Ford Broadmeadows engineer, has set ambitious targets to grow the business.
"Our goal for next year is to generate 500 to 1000 more orders for 2026," he told the Herald Sun. "It might sound like a lot when you're starting from where we are, but when you look at the automotive industry as a whole, it's peanuts. "With some luck, over the next few years, we'll get to 5000 a year. And over the next 40 years, I want to get us to 150,000 a year, if we can. So, got to start somewhere."

Herald Sun journalist lan Royall calls the electric motorcycle a
'pleasure to ride'. Picture: Mark Stewart
The Savic C-Series comes in two models - the $27,000 Alpha and the smaller Alpha which will sell for $20,000. The bike's bold look has earned a Good Design Award and the Victorian Premier's Design Award.
The process of getting the bikes showroom-ready has been difficult and beset by delays over the past two years. The main competitors are Livewire (first made by Harley-Davidson), Energica from Italy, Zero from the US and Finnish bike maker Verge. But Mr Savic sees most of his buyers coming from the traditional petrol-powered motorcycle riders.
"We basically focus on competing with internal combustion engines more so than just the EV brands." He knows an electric motorbike might not be the choice of every rider and the company has copped its share of criticism online. "It doesn't bother me. I'm quite passionate about combustion engines as well. So I understand where they're coming from.One of my favourite cars is a late 1960s Mustang fast-back. I'd love to have one of those."

The Savic C-Series — the first Australian-made full-size electric motorcycle - is about to hit the streets of Melbourne. Picture: Mark Stewart
The panic sets in at the first red light. It's all gone quiet. Nothing. Any rider will tell you that silence when you've stopped on a motorcycle is usually bad news - likely your bike is busted and that Kenworth B-double behind you is anxious to move. So with electric two-wheelers, the quiet takes a little getting used to.
So have faith, twist the throttle and leave the traffic behind.
CREDITS: Ian Royall